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What is – RNG – Gameh Horizons

Have you ever skipped the critical auto assault somehow? Or maybe the enemy was dodging the spell that was definitely about to kill them? You’ve stacked the critical chance and all you need to do is criticise your last auto attack, but it doesn’t … of course.

You’ve come across what gamers refer to as ‘RNG’ all over the world and let me tell you, while in times of need it can almost certainly be your friend, it can also be the one thing that ruins your entire day. “Okay, I hear you,” What does RNG mean and what does it even mean? “Let’s get the latter underway. RNG simply stands for ‘Random Number Generator’ and yes, I realise you don’t really make much sense, just stick with me all right on this one. As to what that means …

A Random Number Generator (RNG) is a computational or hardware device mathematical construct designed to generate a random number set that should not show any distinguishable patterns in their appearance or generation, hence the word random.

All that being said, he’s not exactly referring to the above when your ADC1 shouts about how bad his RNG MS remote is. RNG has become synonymous with luck within the gaming community, good RNG equates to good luck and vice versa. Now that you know what it is, let ‘s talk about where it can be found most frequently.

RNG crops up in gaming absolutely everywhere, the chance of you reaching the vital hit is RNG, are you drawing the perfect Hearthstone card? Oh, that’s also RNG. It’s nuts, even the dragons in the League of Legends are considered RNG PS3 guides now. Now that you know what RNG is, maybe you can cheer him up with tales of your own misfortunes the next time your ADC is able to stop moaning about his RNG!

Thanks for reading and may you be rewarded for eternity with healthy RNG!

* Source The source

A phrase widely used in the League of Legends: 1 Attack Damage Bring, Marksman etc.

Posted by gamehorizons on

https aka ms remoteconnect: Microsft Remote Connect - Gamehorizons

If you see an error message when you try to trigger Minecraft on PS4 via https:/aka.ms/remoteconnect with the code on your TV, to know what the website (https:/aka.ms/remoteconnect) is used for and how to multiplay Minecraft with others who have set up the cross-play engine correctly on their computer, or how to repair the cross-play error when you see the remoteconnect is not working, here.

This guide contains everything on https aka ms remoteconnect ps4 and how to use their Gamertag to enjoy the cross-play engine with your friends and other people on Minecraft.

HTTPS aka ms remoteconnect, about

You don’t have to go further if you are beginning for the first time and you are asking all the questions you have in your mind about https:/aka.ms/remoteconnect and https:/aka.ms/accountsettings. All the answers to your questions about https aka ms remoteconnect will be given by this short epistle.

What is Remoteconnect / https:/aka.ms?

https:/aka.ms/remoteconnect a platform that allows people, except for the one they have, to play Minecraft at home with other individuals with computers.

On Nintendo Switch, the site makes playing Minecraft smooth for PS4. To play on any non-Microsoft system, however, users must build & sign in with a free Microsoft account in order to be able to play with Microsoft devices on other people on their devices.

Microsoft allows Minecraft players to play with their mates who have the Minecraft game installed on their Xbox 360 or Xbox One on NFS with their free Microsoft account login, on various devices such as Switch, PS4, Windows PC and Mac or even on iOS or Android smartphones.

Refer to this page for a full guide to TikTok.

Why Error with https:/aka.ms/remoteconnect Error with Code

The Minecraft https aka ms remoteconnect ps4 Bedrock Version bug is a https:/aka.ms/remoteconnect error. This mistake is prevalent among first-time Minecraft players using their Microsoft account.

This bug prevents users from using their Microsoft Live account to log into Minecraft. This error is constantly popping up to repair https:/aka.ms/remoteconnect anytime you try to enter the Microsoft activation code in your Minecraft and Borderlands 3.

The key reason Minecraft results in a https:/aka.ms/remoteconnect error is often due to the fact that you have modified your computer. This is not limited to; however, when switching from one computer to another, most Minecraft players experience this Microsoft remote link. For example, when they turn from a PS4 to an Xbox One or Xbox 360 console.

https aka ms remoteconnect Failure to operate

If you do not work with https:/aka.ms/remoteconnect when you try to cross-play on your consoles. You can repair an error message with the https aka ms remoteconnect login password reset. Follow the procedures indicated below.

  • Go to the password reset page for Microsft here.
  • Enter the console-associated email (PS4 or Xbox) or phone number associated with it and tap Next.https:/aka.ms/remoteconnect.
  • Your identity will need to be checked by Microsoft. Choose an alternative, enter your phone’s last 4 digits and tap ‘Next.’ Reset Microsoft Live Password
  • If you choose email, or if you choose a call, Microsft will send a verification code to your phone number, or dedicate the code over the phone.
  • Enter the code for the verification and tap ‘Next.’
  • Now, to save the option, create a fresh password. This can, depending on your computer, log you out of all devices, including the PS4 or Xbox console.
  • Now, restart the console and re-link your console with your Microsoft account.
  • Take note of the on-screen activation code, open a browser on your phone or PC, go to https:/aka.ms/remoteconnect and enter your code.

This should allow you to repair the AADSTS50020 error that you experience while entering the code when you go to https:/aka.ms/remoteconnect.

How to set up Microsoft Remote Link on your Xbox One using the Xbox Mobile App

Follow the steps below if you are ready to set up your Xbox One using the mobile Xbox app.

  • Go to your game console (Xbox) or mobile device browser at https:/aka.ms/xboxsetup.
    Log in with your free account from Microsoft.
  • The on-screen directions proceed. (Note: This site is currently only available for smartphone users)

How to Configure Xbox Engine Cross-Play

On Xbox, the process of setting up cross-play is easy. Simply obey the measures below.

  1. On your Xbox One or 360, go to the Microsoft Shop.
  2. Go to Download Search and search for your Xbox One Minecraft.
  3. If you own a Minecraft: Xbox One Version, this one is free to download.)
  4. Get the Minecraft game started.
  5. To set up cross-play with other players who have already set up the cross-play feature on their computer, follow the on-screen instructions.

You should all be configured to play on other platforms with players who have correctly set up cross-play.https://Aka.ms / RemoteConnect.

How to mount Minecraft Cross-Play on your PS4 or Nintendo Switch

  • Go to your PS4 console or Sony PlayStation store in the Nintendo Shop.
  • On Nintendo Switch: Check for “Minecraft” and tap Minecraft for Switch to download.
  • This is free of charge if you already own the Nintendo Switch Edition: Minecraft.
  • On PS4: Enter “Minecraft PS4” and tap Minecraft for Playstation 4 download.
  • If you own the Minecraft account: Playstation 4 Version, this is free as well.
  • Sign up for a user account with Microsoft.
  • Navigate to your device’s Minecraft home screen and tap on the sign-in option.
  • Tap a connection and it will redirect you to the Remote Connect page from the login screen.
  • Take note of the activation code of the 8 digits. In order to trigger your account on the official AKA MS Remote Connect website, you will need this code.
  • Go to https:/aka.ms/remoteconnect and open your browser. This can be achieved on your Windows / Mac browser or mobile browser.
  • On your console screen, enter the code.
  • Tap “Next” on the button.
  • Follow the instructions on the screen to complete the sign-in process.

In Minecraft, fix https:/aka.ms/remoteconnect Bug

Correcting https:/aka.ms/remoteconnect not working in Minecraft is fast and straightforward. Here, all sign-in bug errors in your Minecraft can be corrected.

Using RemoteConnect Code https aka ms

If you encounter this PS4 error, then refreshing the Minecraft game could fix the error code. But, if it doesn’t fit for you, follow the steps below.

  • On your PC or tablet, open a tab.
  • Visit Microsoft’s Minecraft access code and bookmark the tab.
  • Open the error with Minecraft and write down the code
  • On another computer [phone or PC], open the Microsft tab, and paste the code from the Minecraft error screen.

Now, if the procedures above are correctly executed, you will have access to the Microsoft Shop.

Delete Game Date Saved and Corrupted by Minecraft

You will need to uninstall the game files if the error continues and start all over again to correct the Minecraft error.

Launch Minecraft. Start it.

  • Go to ‘Configuration.
  • Tap ‘Device setup’
  • Tap on ‘Storage’
  • To access the Minecraft store folders, select ‘Player Storage.’
  • Delete all of the storage files. Typically , two files exist. So, make sure that to start afresh, both files are deleted.

Usually, these two steps fix https:/aka.ms/remoteconnect when the PS4 game console does not function. But, if the bug keeps coming back, then you may want to make a new account for Minecraft.

How to remotely set up an Xbox on https:/aka.ms/xboxsetup

The approach to using https:/aka.ms/xboxsetup on mobile to remotely customise Xbox is quick and easy to achieve. Notice that this site can be viewed only on a mobile device. So, you’ll need to take out your phone if you’re reading this article on your Windows or MacOS.

  • On your Android or iPhone browser, go to https / aka.ms / xboxsetup.
  • You will see the start of “Welcome to Xbox”. In the Xbox app, tap to begin setup.
  • You will be asked to download the Xbox app to your phone and instal it. You will be redirected to the Google Play Store for Android, and you will be redirected to the Apple Store for the iPhone.
  • On your phone, download and instal the Xbox app and log in to your Xbox account.

To complete the setup on your Xbox console using the mobile app, follow the on-screen instructions.

Remote Link desktop

Microsoft Remote Connect allows you to use your Android and iOS devices to power your Windows 10 PC from afar. You need to configure your Windows 10 PC to work with the Andriod / iPhone Remote Connect app to begin with.

  • Click your start button for Windows 10.
  • Tap “Configurations.”
  • Tap “System.”
  • Tap “Remote desktop.”
  • Enable the remote desktop on the screen to make the feature ready for the remote link app to connect to another computer.

Now that you’ve set up a remote Windows 10 connection, your PC is ready to connect to another remotely accessible device.

How to Connect to a Windows 10 Remote Connect Desktop

If you have another Windows 10 setup with a remote desktop connection, as shown above, you can access it from another Windows 10 setup with a remote connection feature.

  • “Open your local computer and check for” Link to a remote desktop.
  • Type the name of the ‘Remote link’ PC to which you want to connect.
  • To connect to the PC locally, tap ‘Connect.’

How to Connect Windows 10 to the Remote Connect Mobile Desktop App

You can connect to your Windows 10 PC from a remote location with the remote link app for Windows , Android and iPhone.

  • On your computer, download and instal the “Remote Link” app. Find the following connection.
  • Install the “Remote desktop software.”
  • Type the Windows 10 PC name that you want to connect to.
  • Pick the name of the remote and wait until the connection is created.
  • App download link: Android iPhone Windows

to a Nintendo Switch Microsoft Online Multiplayer account

To be able to play Minecraft Dungeons on Nintendo Switch online multiplayer, you first need to log in to your Microsoft account. So, you can learn how to successfully log into your Microsoft account on Nintendo Sw in this guide.

  • On your Nintendo Switch, open the Minecraft Dungeon and you will be prompted to log in to your Microsoft account to take note of the Switch code.
  • Go to https:/www.microsoft.com/link on your PC (Windows or Mac) or phone browser.
  • Enter the activation code for the Nintendo Switch and, if prompted to do so, sign in to your Microsoft account.https:/aka.ms/remoteconnect
  • Your Microsoft account will be linked to your Minecraft Dungeon after you have successfully signed up.
  • You must go to https:/account.xbox.com/settings on the same tab or open another browser to update your Microsoft account settings and login to your Microsoft account to change your account settings.
  • To unlink your Microsoft from Minecraft Dungeon, when you tap “Configure Online Play” or log out of your Microsoft account, you will have to do so through the game settings.
  • On the Dungeon pad, press the “L and R” button to move between online and offline games.
  • Switch to online to add your friends, tap ‘Add Friends’ and scan for them using Microsoft Gamertag.

  • Note: You can either invite a friend to join your world or join a friend with an invitation to Gamertag or go to play with Realms.

HTTPS AKA MS PS44 Remote Link

Follow the procedures below for https aka ms remoteconnect PS4 Minecraft problem, or login to PS4 using Microsoft.

  • Go to the webpage for https aka ms remoteconnect ps4.
  • Enter the code for the https alias ms remoteconnect.
  • Tap “Continue” on the button.

You can now log in to your Microsoft account on the PS4 console that is connected to your Minecraft game. Failed login is unavoidable, however,

HTTPS aka ms Remoteconnect PS4 Login failed

If, after using https aka ms remoteconnect code on the official site, you encounter a failed login on your PS4 console, follow the procedures below to repair the failed login error message.

  • Download and save your data from Minecraft to online PS4 storage
  • Switch off the automatic upload of data.
  • Delete from your Minecraft game all the saved files.
  • Restart the Minecraft game and reset your PS4 console.
  • Download your saved data online from your PS4 storage and upload it.

The above measures are the procedures for repairing failed Minecraft https aka ms remoteconnect ps4 login

How do I change the settings for MyAccount Remote Connect?

Sign in to your account and go to Settings, tap the settings you want to edit, edit them, and then tap Save / update to make adjustments.

Where should I enter my code for RemoteConnect?

Go to the AKA RemoteConnect page and log in to your account and your activation code will be redirected to where you want to enter it.

How to Repair Aka.ms / RemoteConnect Is Not Working

You should check your internet access to make sure you enter the correct login details if you have a hard time logging in and enter the activation code to enable cross-play. Consider restarting your computer and creating a new activation code if this doesn’t work. Then follow the above sets to set up the cross-play of the Minecraft game depending on your console with your Nintendo switch or PS4.

When playing via remote link, can I use my Minecoin?

Using your Minecoins when you play via remote connection is not limited. This is because, on various platforms, a free Microsoft account makes Minecoins cross-compatible.


Microsoft provides multiple solutions to ensure that customers find their services to be commendable and convenient to work with. However, if you have a problem using this guide to repair https:/aka.ms/remoteconnect, kindlu refers to the video or leaves a message so that we can fix it together.

Posted by gamehorizons on

Red Dead Redemption 2 Cheat Codes List (PS4 & Xbox One) - Game Horizons

In this page you can find the full list of all the Cheat Codes available in Red Dead Redemption 2, and how to activate them on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.

Cheats in Red Dead Redempion 2 are code phrases that you enter in the Pause Menu. Some cheats require to first be unlocked during the game before you can activate them. You can unlock them by purchasing Newspapers from newspaper vendors as you progress through the story.

Attention: Save your game borderlands before activating any cheat code. Using cheat codes will prevent you from saving your progress and will disable Achievements and Trophies.

How to Enter Cheat Codes in Red Dead Redemption 2

To enter cheat codes in Red Dead Redemption 2, NFS open the Pause Menu, click on Settings and by pressing Triangle (on PlayStation 4) or Y (on Xbox One) to enter the Cheats List. Now simply press again Triangle/Y to enter a Cheat Code from the list below.

RDR2 Cheat Codes List

Enter one of the following secret codes to activate the corresponding cheat function.

Infinite Ammo

Grants infinite ammo supply.

  • Cheat Code: “Abundance is the dullest desire”
  • Prerequisite: Newspaper Required: New Hanover Gazette No. 27, purchased in Valentine during Chapter 1.

Simple Weapons

Grants a loadout of basic weapons.

  • Cheat Code: “A simple life, a beautiful death”
  • Prerequisite: None

Heavy Weapons

  • Adds Pump-Action Shotgun, Bolt Action Rifle, Mauser Pistol, and Semi-Automatic Pistol weapons to your inventory.
  • Cheat Code: “Greed is American Virtue”
  • Prerequisite: Newspaper Required: Get newspaper after completing the Chapter 3 mission Advertising, the New American Art

Stealth Weapons

Grants a loadout of stealth weaponry (Machete, Throwing, Improved, and Poison Knives, Tomahawks, Homing Tomahawks).

  • Cheat Code: “Death is silence”
  • Prerequisite: None

Gunslinger Weapons

Grants loadout of Gunslinger weapons (Off-hand holster, Double-Action revolver, Schofield Revolver, Double-Barreled Shotgun)

  • Cheat Code: “History is written by fools”
  • Prerequisite: None

Fog of War

Reveals the entire map.

  • Cheat Code: “You Long for Sight but See Nothing”
  • Prerequisite: Newspaper Required: Purchase newspaper after completing the Chapter 3 mission Blood Feuds, Ancient and Modern.

Add $500

Adds $500

  • Cheat Code: “Greed is now a virtue”
  • Prerequisite: None

Own All Outfits

Unlocks all outfits in Arthur’s wardrobe.

  • Cheat Code: “Vanity. All is vanity”
  • Prerequisite: None

Learn All Recipes

Learn All Craft-able Recipes

  • Cheat Code: “Eat of Knowledge”
  • Prerequisite: None

Purchase All Camp Upgrades

Unlocks all ledger upgrades and increases max supply levels.

  • Cheat Code: “Share”
  • Prerequisite: None

High Honor

Raises Honor rating.

  • Cheat Code: “Virtue Unearned is not virtue”
  • Prerequisite: Newspaper Required: Purchase a newspaper after completing the Chapter 4 mission Urban Pleasures.

Decrease Honor

Sets honor to the minimum amount.

  • Cheat Code: “You revel in your disgrace, I see”
  • Prerequisite: None

Reset Honor

Activating resets your Honor meter to neutral.

  • Cheat Code: “Balance. All is balance”
  • Prerequisite: None

Infinite Dead Eye

Unlimited Deadeye reserve

  • Cheat Code: “Be greedy only for foresight”
  • Prerequisite: None

Infinite Stamina

Unlimited stamina reserve

  • Cheat Code: “The lucky be strong evermore”
  • Prerequisite: Newspaper Required: Purchase a newspaper after completing Chapter 5

Set Dead Eye Level (1)

Allows you to auto-paint targets in Deadeye

  • Cheat Code: “Guide me better”
  • Prerequisite: None

Set Dead Eye Level (2)

  • Allows you to set your level of Deadeye skill to Rank 2 (mark targets in Deadeye)
  • Cheat Code: “Make me better”

Prerequisite: None

Set Dead Eye Level (3)

Allows you to set your level of Deadeye skill to Rank 3 (You can remain in deadeye after firing your weapon).

  • Cheat Code: “I shall be better”
  • Prerequisite: None

Set Dead Eye Level (4)

Allows you to set your level of Deadeye skill to Rank 4 (highlight fatal areas while in Deadeye targeting)

  • Cheat Code: “I still seek more”
  • Prerequisite: None

Set Dead Eye Level (5)

Allows you to set your level of Deadeye skill to Rank 5 (highlights fatal and critical hit areas while in Deadeye targeting)

  • Cheat Code: “I seek and I find”
  • Prerequisite: None

Set Health, Stamina, and Dead Eye Bars to Full

Refills all bars for health, stamina, and dead eye.

  • Cheat Code: “You flourish before you die”
  • Prerequisite: None

Increase Health, Stamina and Dead Eye Bar Levels

Increase stat bars.

  • Cheat Code: “Seek all the bounty of this place”
  • Prerequisite: None

Fortify Health, Stamina and Dead Eye Bars

Refill and Fortify all of your bars

  • Cheat Code: “You Seek More Than The World Offers”
  • Prerequisite: Newspaper Required: Purchase after completing the Chapter 6 mission The King’s Son.

Increase Horse Whistle Range

You can call your horse from any distance.

  • Cheat Code: “Better than my dog”
  • Prerequisite: None


Instantly makes you drunk.

  • Cheat Code: “A fool on command”
  • Prerequisite: None

Increase Horse Bonding

Increases your bonding with all owned horses

  • Cheat Code: “My kingdom is a horse”
  • Prerequisite: None

Create Race Horse

Spawns a race horse.

  • Cheat Code: “Run! Run! Run!”
  • Prerequisite: None

Create War Horse

  • Spawns a War Horse.
  • Cheat Code: “You are a beast built for war”
  • Prerequisite: Newspaper Required: Purchase after completing the events of the Epilogue.

Create Superior Horse

Spawns a Rose Grey Bay Arabian Horse

  • Cheat Code: “You want more than you have”
  • Prerequisite: None

Create Random Horse

Spawns a horse of randomized breed and coat

  • Cheat Code: “You want something new”
  • Prerequisite: None

Create Stagecoach

Spawns a stagecoach

  • Cheat Code: “The best of the old ways”
  • Prerequisite: None

Create Wagon

Spawns a wagon with one horse.

  • Cheat Code: “Keep your dreams simple”
  • Prerequisite: None

Create Circus Wagon

  • Spawns a circus wagon.
  • Cheat Code: “Would you be happier as a clown?”
  • Prerequisite: Newspaper Required: Purchase after completing the events of the Epilogue.

Create Buggy

Spawns a horse with a cart.

  • Cheat Code: “Keep your dreams light”
  • Prerequisite: None

Increase Wanted Level

Increases your current wanted rating

  • Cheat Code: “You want punishment”
  • Prerequisite: None

Decrease Wanted Level

Reduces your current wanted rating.

  • Cheat Code: “You want freedom”
  • Prerequisite: None

Clear All Bounties and Lockdown Areas

Eliminates current wanted status and bounties in towns across the world.

  • Cheat Code: “You want everyone to go away”
  • Prerequisite: None

For more information on Red Dead Redemption 2 visit our complete RDR2 Section, including the Wildlife Database, Horses Database, Weapons Database, and more!