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GameHorizons.NET ForumsFrequently Asked Questions � Reading and Writing Messages � Hello Guest [register|login]

Are there any codes I can use to format my posts?

Depending on the settings of this forum, you can use either HTML or BBCode to format your messages.

However, Administrators usually deactivate the use of HTML and decided to use BBCode only. BBCode has the advantage of being easy to use, and of being immune to javascript and layout interruptions.

Every time you are composing a new message, it will be indicated whether or not HTML and/or BBCodes are allowed. If HTML is allowed, please pay attention to the correct syntax or the Moderators will have to edit your post.

BBCode is a lot like HTML, but only certain functions are allowed: hyperlinks, images, bold, italic and some other text formatting functions.

What are smilies?

Smilies are small graphics you can use to express feelings, e.g. a joke or embarrassment. For example, if you have posted a sarcastic comment, instead of writing 'I was joking' you can use the 'wink' smilie.

If you have used emails or chats in the past, then you probably already are familiar with this concept. Some standard codes or strings are automatically converted into smilies. For example, the code :) is turned into a smiling face. To more easily understand smilies code, turn your head on the side and use your imagination: You can see that :) represents two eyes and smile.

For a complete list of the smilies used in this forum, click here.

Sometimes you don't want the smilie code in your post to be transformed into images. In this case, when you are posting your message, you must check the 'Deactivate smilies in this post.' box in the options.

Quick BBCodes buttons and clickable smilies

These buttons allow you to quickly and easily add BBCodes to your messages. You simply need to click the button you want to use and then enter the text you want to format.

There are two different editing modes: Normal and Enhanced Mode.

If you are using the Normal mode, pressing a button will open a popup asking you to enter the tet you want to format. It will then insert the BBCode at the last position of your cursor in the text area.

If you are using the Enhanced mode, pressing a button will insert the opening tag for this BBCode at the end of your message. Once you are done typing the text and want to close the tag, press the close current tag button (alt+c). In enhanced mode, you can also insert another tag in the current tag, and then press the close all tags button (alt+x) to close all the open tags. Note: the 'close tag' buttons only close tags inserted using the code buttons.

To use the clickable smilies, you simply need to click the one you wish to insert in your message, or press the more button (if it exists) to view the complete list of smilies.

How can I start polls?

You can create a poll for your thread. This is how it can be done:

Creating a Poll

To add a poll when posting a new thread, check the box where it says "Start poll with # options." and select the number of available answers you want to have

This function allows you to ask a question and indicate a few possible answers. The other members can then vote for the answer they prefer and the results will be shown in the thread.

Once you have checked the poll box and submitted the form, you will be taken to another page where you can specify the question and the answers for the poll.

You can also indicate the time limit for the poll, for example, you can set the poll to stay open for a week.

Participating in a Poll

To participate in a poll, select the answer for which you would like to vote and press the "Vote" button. You can also view the results before voting by pressing the "Results" button. Participating in a poll is optional. You can vote for any answer available, or not vote at all.

Choose carefully your answer, because once you have voted, you cannot change your answer.

What are post icons?

The Administrator can activate the use of posticons in new threads, posts and private messages. Posticons are small graphics you can use to express the emotion or content of your message.

How can I edit my posts?

To edit or delete one of your post, you simply need to click the image in the appropriate post. If the post is the only one in the thread, deleting the post will probably delete the whole thread.

After you have edited your post, a note, notifying other members that you have edited your post, will be displayed. Administrators and Moderators can also edit your post, however, they can choose whether or not they want this note to be displayed.

What are moderators?

Moderators supervise certain forums. They use their administrative powers to delete or edit unwanted messages. Moderators for a certain forum were usually normal users who were especially useful and experienced in the subject of that forum.

Why are some words censored in my posts?

The Administrator can choose to censor certain words. If your post contains any of those words, they will be replaced by another word or by asterisks (*).

This function can also be deactivated by the Administrator.

What is email notification?

If you are posting a new thread or reply, you can choose to be notified by email if someone else posts a message in this thread. If you wish to receive notifications about a thread you didn't post in, it can also be done, you simply need to add the thread to your favorites.

If don't want to receive any notifications about a thread anymore, you can either deactivate the option by clicking the corresponding link in the email or by removing the thread from your favorites.

What do the different abbreviations mean?

The most important abbreviations are listed here. Naturally, they are not only used in forums, they are also used everywhere on the internet:

  • AFAIK = as far as I know
  • AFAIR = as far as I remember
  • AFK = away from keyboard
  • aka = also known as
  • ASAP = as soon as possible
  • *bg* = big grin
  • btw = by the way
  • cu = see you
  • *eg* = evil grin
  • FYI = for your information
  • *g* = grin
  • GN8 = Good night
  • HTH = hope this helps
  • IK = I know
  • k = okay
  • LLAP = Live long and prosper
  • IMHO = in my humble opinion
  • IMO = in my opinion
  • *lol* = laughing out loud
  • np = no problem
  • MTFBWY = May the force be with you
  • OMG = oh my god
  • RL = Real Live
  • ROFL = rolling on the floor laughing
  • SCNR = sorry, could not resist
  • WE = weekend

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English Translation by Satelk