Well,well,well.That is a problem.But nothing you can't solve!
Have you spoken to her bout her absurd behavior?If you have and she's done nothing to change her habbits,dump her.You're wasting yours and her time.I know it's harder than it sounds,but it really is for the best,trust me.Because you know yourself how it's going to end if you don't put a stop to it.You'll be miserable and for what?For the sake of not wanting to have that ''just broken up feeling''?It'll come sooner or later so just get it over with.
Online poker eh? (hitting a lighter note) I play poker with my mates every now and again,but have been to chicken to try playing online.have you ever visited pokerstrategy? it's really good for tips on technique!
Can you recommend any good poker sites?I'm trying to get better all the time because I'm headed for Las Vegas next year.
Let us know what you did about your girl,I'm sure you'll make the right descision!