What is – RNG – Gameh Horizons

Have you ever skipped the critical auto assault somehow? Or maybe the enemy was dodging the spell that was definitely about to kill them? You’ve stacked the critical chance and all you need to do is criticise your last auto attack, but it doesn’t … of course.

You’ve come across what gamers refer to as ‘RNG’ all over the world and let me tell you, while in times of need it can almost certainly be your friend, it can also be the one thing that ruins your entire day. “Okay, I hear you,” What does RNG mean and what does it even mean? “Let’s get the latter underway. RNG simply stands for ‘Random Number Generator’ and yes, I realise you don’t really make much sense, just stick with me all right on this one. As to what that means …

A Random Number Generator (RNG) is a computational or hardware device mathematical construct designed to generate a random number set that should not show any distinguishable patterns in their appearance or generation, hence the word random.

All that being said, he’s not exactly referring to the above when your ADC1 shouts about how bad his RNG MS remote is. RNG has become synonymous with luck within the gaming community, good RNG equates to good luck and vice versa. Now that you know what it is, let ‘s talk about where it can be found most frequently.

RNG crops up in gaming absolutely everywhere, the chance of you reaching the vital hit is RNG, are you drawing the perfect Hearthstone card? Oh, that’s also RNG. It’s nuts, even the dragons in the League of Legends are considered RNG PS3 guides now. Now that you know what RNG is, maybe you can cheer him up with tales of your own misfortunes the next time your ADC is able to stop moaning about his RNG!

Thanks for reading and may you be rewarded for eternity with healthy RNG!

* Source The source

A phrase widely used in the League of Legends: 1 Attack Damage Bring, Marksman etc.